When's the right time to run for office?
Freshman N.C. Rep. Mike Schietzelt shared the advice he's taken to heart
Politics is in many ways a game of timing. So much of whether you win or lose is out of your control — depending on the mood of the electorate,
I know this first-hand. My former boss, then-Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, lost the 2020 election for governor after COVID upended our society. Had the election been held the next year, I think he would have won. Just look at Virginia.
But timing also comes into play when you look at the support you’ll need to be successful. It has to do with the relationships you’ve fostered, the resume you’ve built, and the life stage you’re family’s in.
I know a lot of you are likely planning a future run for office, and you’ve asked yourself: When’s the right time to run?
Well, freshman N.C. Rep. Mike Schietzelt just gave a really insightful answer to this on the Do Politics Better podcast this week. He won election in his northern Wake County district at age 38 after years of toying with the idea of running.
He sai…