You need to do a virtual lunch and more with Frank Hill. We all like Dan but he lost the passion that came from the tea party in CLT are and beyond. Do not blame covid. The Teas go the idea for run Forrest run with the bar idol sized signs. His ads were -and this is real input we’re limp. No passion . He reminded a lot of us as Kenny Smith a sweet polite boy.

People actually asked me (and I am not one of the original Teas) who is that campaigning and where did they put Dan.

That is why he lost. No passion. No conviction. Like he was going thru the motions.

I voted for him as did all LKN Republicans.

He didn’t reach out to the local small businesses. His ads didn’t have him walked by closed and got rent stores and restaurants and saying I understand. I see your dreams being slammed shut by a governor edict. Or walking past looted stores and restaurants, burned out cars and apartment buildings, graffitied buildings churches snd statues with this should not have happened. I will make sure it never does again. Walking down aisles if empty shelves in grocery stores same thing.

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I totally agree, if we want more of the right GOP candidates in our state, and representing us in the US Congress we need to engage all voters early and often. Even before we have new candidates identified. A populist movement is brewing, it’s not Republicans and Democrats anymore it’s We The People Party vs The Special Interests Party (I’m looking at you senator Burr). I don’t think North Carolina is the swing state people say it is. I think it’s the who shows up and votes state. We must engage rural voters. They feel unheard and underrepresented and so they are discouraged and do not participate in the election process.

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I agree totally. Ecklen urg County and all of NC has to do better. Change the NC GOP charter so we can fight fire with fire. The crap “ we only endorse after they win a primary” and the we don’t groom candidates is crap. Democrats do. This is one reason . Why they win. Th pick their winner a year before. And they “groom” their voter base years ahead with lies, free food-bojangles and registration even if a l

Questionable. I actually emailed Meck Co BOE official I am personal friends with to question their tactics. Free Ben and jerry cones and voter registration in Davidson NC

The Institute of Political Mgt which is supposed to groom people interested in politics candidates and campaign managers etc are filled will de,o rats. When I attended, a bunch came from the city of Greensboro city offices. Got paid their salary and went to the classes. Now a few are in office. All Democrats.

You need to fight fire with fire. From sweet polite boy Kenny Smoth who ran for mayor and got slaughtered who said, I heard it, why I can’t question Mayor Likes, she is a lady. I can’t ask her how she is going to deal with homeless, crime balanced budget without raising taxes he said that would not be polite. Dan Forrest with the same sing song voice was no better. Obviously Dan did not get Sue’s passion for politics gene.

And Mark our new Lt Gov. if you k ow his inner circle please tell them to get Mark off his rear and start yelling about cooper’s murdering of businesses, house arrest, closed churches, and the f*&king masks. And for the love of God, stop Cooper’s dumbing down of our kids- open the schools. And get a licensed doctor, one with a NC active medical license to be head of his health department. Pretending to be a doctor in NC is a felony

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