Messaging Memo: How to talk about the Jefferson Griffin challenge
To avoid the reputation risk, muddy the waters by criticizing the State Board of Elections
I’ve been extremely outspoken about Judge Jefferson Griffin and the NCGOP’s election challenge. I still think it’s wrong, and potentially very dangerous for the Republican brand in North Carolina.
But while I’ve been vocally critical of Griffin and the party, I wouldn’t advise elected officials or candidates for office to do the same. That’s one of the benefits of being a newsletter writer and not a politician.
For the most part, Republicans have so far been able to stay silent on the issue. That’s likely been the right course of action, but as the case drags on and gets more and more national attention, it might not be a sustainable one.
The next time the Griffin challenge dominates the news cycle, I recommend that you muddy the water and go on offense to avoid being tarnished.
It’s a fair point to make. Justice Richard Dietz said as much. And it positions you as an election defender rather than an election stealer.
Here are some assets you can adapt and reuse.